Get the Clarity You're Looking For

It has been said that your brand is “a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships, that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one service over another.” And having a clear visual identity and story for your brand is key to it having the impact you’re hoping for.

A Brand Clarity Board will pull together visuals, colors, textures, patterns, fonts and personality to be your guide for your brand. It will help you make decisions regarding your logo and website, what you share on social media, your marketing materials and how your brand interacts with clients.

Capture the essence of your brand in a way that enables you to keep every touch-point visually consistent in order to touch the heart of your ideal client and potential customers.

This process has been called my “Superpower” and I’d love to share it with you. If you want to purchase one here’s what you’ll receive:

  • Brand clarity and visual inspiration

  • Something tangible to refer back to over and over again

  • A simplified process of creating visual content for your brand that you love and are proud to share

  • Freedom to spend more time doing what you love in your business and less time stressing about how it all looks

Here are some of my favorite Brand Clarity Boards that I’ve created for past clients.


How does this help me?

After you get your Brand Clarity Board, a great tool that captures the essence of your brand, how does it help you? What do you do with it? 

Here are some quick tips:

  • Use it as a desktop wallpaper on your computer or as your phone background. This keeps it visible and front of mind at all times

  • Print out a copy and hang it in your office

  • Use it as a benchmark for any content you create and share for your brand

  • Before you post anything as yourself: "Could this easily and seamlessly replace an element on my moodboard?" If not, pick a different image.

  • Remember that visual consistency = brand recognition, and your moodboard is the tool to help you stay visually consistent on all your brand touchpoints.

Do you have a moodboard for your brand? How have you used this powerful tool to stay consistent and build brand recognition?


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